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Dr Christopher Etheridge PhD, MCPP



MRSC, BSc (Hons) Phyto, BSc (Hons) Chem, CChem, DoIC, ARCS



About Chris Etheridge


About Chris Etheridge


Chris Etheridge is one of Britain’s foremost Integrated Health Specialists and the director of Integrated Cancer Healthcare, a groundbreaking holistic cancer information consultancy. Chris has extensive experience of providing patients with information on their cancer and complementary treatments for their specific diagnosis. He also specialises in supporting people with cancer through their individual treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy, bone marrow transplant) and beyond, by providing information on safe and effective dietary and lifestyle changes, and beneficial health supplements.


Chris holds a first-class honours BSc and a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry from Imperial College, London. He was a Lecturer and Research Fellow in Gene Therapy at Imperial’s Department of Chemistry and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at St Mary’s Hospital from 1995-99, where he continued his training. Chris completed his professional training on the four-year Herbal Medicine degree programme at the College of Phytotherapy, East Sussex, where he graduated in 2006 with a first-class honours BSc.


In the past, Chris has worked with Dr Rosy Daniel (formerly of the Bristol Cancer Centre, now the Penny Brohn Centre) to create an integrated workbook for recently diagnosed cancer patients (2002), and with Patricia Peat RGN as Director of Research for Cancer Options (2002-2007).


Chris is a guest lecturer at: University of Westminster (westminster.ac.uk), Lincoln College (lincolncollege.ac.uk), Centre for Nutrition Education (CNELM) (cnelm.co.uk), the Institute of Optimum Nutrition (ION) (ion.ac.uk), the Northern College of Acupuncture (chinese-medicine.co.uk) and The Haven (thehaven.org.uk). He is a writer for the charity Action for ME (afme.org.uk) and scientific advisor for Advanced Orthomolecular Research (aoreurope.co.uk), Potter’s Herbals (pottersherbals.co.uk), the UK Tea and Infusions Association (tea.co.uk), Twinings tea (twinings.co.uk/tea), the Health Supplements Information Service (hsis.org), Neolife (us.gnld.com), Puressentiel (puressentiel.com/uk/) and the charities Yes to Life (yestolife.org.uk) and Kids Integrated Cancer Treatment.


Chris is also a leading Medical Herbalist (Phytotherapist) practitioner, researcher and writer (integratedherbalhealthcare.co.uk). Chris is President of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy (CPP) (thecpp.uk), Chair of the British Herbal Medicine Association (BHMA) (bhma.info), Chair of the Herbal Practitioner Supplier Section at the BHMA (bhma.info/hpss/) and President of the European Herbal Traditional Medicines Practitioners Association (EHTPA) (ehtpa.eu).

To book a consultation with Chris Etheridge, please email him here or phone 07779 414099.


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